I’ve been busy in the garden lately. Real busy. So much of my spare time (which is quite limited) is now being taken up with the garden. Of course, it’s a problem all of my own making yet, I have to admit, I enjoy it a lot (most of the time).
My last post was on April 10th (where has all that time gone?) and was called “Things are growing“. In that post there was a photo of young tomato and chilli seedlings in a plug tray. It was great to see them all start growing, but now I’m asking myself “why did I plant over 40 tomatoes?” and even more chillies? Have I bitten off more veggies than I can chew?
There’s one thing with nature, it doesn’t procrastinate. It just progresses. I can’t say I need a rest for a few days when there are seedlings that really need to be potted on. So the garden is actually setting my schedule and pushing me. That’s a good reason why I wish I hadn’t sown so many seeds (last year not so many of my seeds sprouted, so I thought the same would happen again, but it didn’t).
Even though the garden has me under pressure, I’m still enjoying it for sure. It’s one of the real pleasures for me in these worrying Covid-19 times. The weather here in the UK (South-East) has been really unusual. It has now officially been the sunniest Spring on record and the driest May for 124 years. Not surprising because we’ve had so much sun and so little rain (not like the UK normally!). In fact, my 3000 litre underground rainwater tank is now empty for the first time since it was installed three years ago. We could certainly do with some rain!
Below are a few photos with comments, showing what has been going on.
If everything goes to plan and I haven’t taken on more veggies than I can chew, we’ll have a lot of tomatoes, chillis, marrows, squash, melons, cabbages and corn – we might even be giving some away to neighbours. It’s amazing how well the new greenhouse is working out.
Click on any of the pictures below to see them full size. There are explanatory captions below each image.

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